Tuesday, 31 August 2021

How to Make a Career

People from all walks of life are really hurting these days and the forecast for most people does not look any better. Across the board there has been pay cuts, job loss, vacations and benefits taken away, foreclosures, which has lead to most people scared about their futures. People are hurting from all over and looking for anything to help them keep their heads above water. Scams have always been around but they seem to come out of the wood work when times are really bad. With so many people looking for help it's easy to see how people get taken advantage of. No matter what you have heard or what you have experienced in the past, the truth is some home based businesses do work. There are bad ones out there and you need to be careful when looking for one. WHY DO PEOPLE FAIL: It would be hard to list all the reasons why people fail at a home based business but I will cover some of the main reasons. First lets look at the facts of a traditional business - An average of 145,000 new businesses start up each year in this country - An average of 137,000 businesses declare bankruptcy each year - 8 out of 10 new businesses fail within the first three years. - 80% of new businesses fail within their first year. - Businesses with 20 employees or less have a 37% chance of making it to 3 years -They have a 9% chance of surviving 10 years -Restaurants have a 20% chance of surviving 2 years - About half of those who survive the first year will remain in business the next five years. Now it is said that 90% of people who try a home based business fail. That is not surprising when you look at the numbers for the start up of a traditional business. Most people who start a home based business do so for less then a $1000. Depending on what the traditional business is that's being started up you could be looking at a price tag of $60,000 - $300,000. Is it any surprise that the numbers of failed home based businesses is a bit higher? People do not have any money invested into them. You can say they do but when you are really looking at the numbers it is easier for people who start home based businesses to walk away when things get hard. For most home based businesses failure is not the fault of the company but the fault is in the people who do nothing with them and give up. bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti A large part of this is because people get told that it is easy money and they don't have to do anything to make it work. So they sign up and sit back doing nothing and wonder why it is NOT working! Again this is not always the fault of the companies. In most cases it is the fault of the people bringing them the opportunity. WHAT SHOULD I EXPECT IF I START MY OWN HOME BASED BUSINESS? You might have heard before that you get what you give. In most cases for any business this is true which means the more you put in, the better your chances of getting fast results. I say a chance of getting fast results because nothing is guaranteed which is why it's called a business adventure. One thing is for sure though, if you start a business of any kind then don't show up for work YOU WILL FAIL.... When starting a home based business you need to realize that things will not always go as planned. You will have to put some money into any business that you want to start. You just need to figure out how much you are willing to spend and how long are you willing to give it to start making that money back. It is an investment and if you look at it any other way then you will be very unhappy when all that money is not back in your bank next week. It is going to take Money and a PLAN with GOALS to stand a chance of getting success. HOW DO I KNOW WHAT'S THE BEST BUSINESS FOR ME? There are some very important questions to ask yourself when looking for a business to start. -How much is the start up cost -Once I have my business how much do I have to pay for inventory/ qualify/ any hidden cost (There will ALWAYS be something) If you have a business that is $200 to join there will be SOME kind of package you have to buy to get started. Could be anywhere from $100- $1600 -How much will I have to pay monthly (Watch out for companies that say you don't have to buy anything or you don't have to worry about that because everything will sell itself.) NOTHING sells itself..... PERIOD In many cases even if you have things left over from the month before you still have to buy NEW Product the next month! -How much do I make from sales -How much do I make from other people joining my business -Where does the money go that I paid for joining -What does it take to promote -Can I ever lose my promotion -What happens if someone under me promotes? Do I lose that money? -Are meetings mandatory and how much on average do they cost? -Do I have to buy books or CD's from the company every month? (More hidden cost) -How much does it cost to renew my business at the end of the year? -Can I promote without signing anyone up? -Can I see the entire pay plan before I join? -Can I find information on the services or products before I join? -How do I get paid and when do I get paid? I could list many more but these are some of the main questions you should be asking when looking for a business to join. If the person you are dealing with does not give you CLEAR answers or avoids certain questions, then run away. HOW CAN I TURN THIS INTO MY CAREER AND DO IT FULL TIME? Anyone who joins a home based business has the chance for this to happen but don't jump the gun. First find the company that is right for you. Then make a business plan with set goals. Set days and times that you will be working on those goals. Figure out how long you need to work your business to get the results you are looking for. Then figure out how much money your business needs to be bringing in CONSISTENTLY before you tell your boss to shove it. You MUST plan on things not always working out the way you plan and running into a lot of bumps. If you have what it takes to stick with it then you can and will succeed if you picked the right business to do. SOME MORE ADVICE: Find a company that has a product or service that you REALLY believe in. If you hate to ride bikes and never do it then you should not be out working a business selling bikes. If you don't back the service or product your selling you will never get anywhere. Most people join a home based business without even looking at what they offer because all they see is the money. Once that money does not get made in the first week they drop out. Make sure that the product or service you are selling will be around for the life of your business. You do not want to build upon something that will be gone in 10 years. When looking to start your business find out if you will be receiving help. You need to ask the person you are dealing with what their plans are for helping you and what they expect from you. If they give promises of easy money or that they will build it for you, then walk away. They should be able to tell you upfront what they are willing to do and what you need to do in return. You can do this so don't give up on your dreams. Just make sure that you find a company that you can believe in.

Selling a Business

You are looking to Start a Business. You are Running a Business. You are Buying a Business. You are Selling a Business. What is the most important step in any one of these ventures? And no the answer is not having unlimited deep pockets. To start, run, sell,or buy a business you need to understand that business. You need to understand not only the operational side of your company, you need to understand the financial side of your company. I am a business broker in Florida and I help people buy and sell businesses. (and current and former business owner) This last week I completed a very busy week of helping an out of town business buyer visit several different companies. Our intent of visiting these multiple companies was an effort to understand the businesses. To buy a business you have to understand the business. A small business owner truly needs to understand the financial health of their company. Many, Many Many small business owners DO NOT understand the financial side of their business. Do you feel as an entrepreneur you need to understand the difference between a debit and credit or if you buy something if it should be a capital purchase or an operating expense. So many small business owners and entrepreneurs run their business using their gut as their guide, they can feel if their business is going good or bad. Other small business owners look at their checkbook- if there is money in that things are ok. On the other side you may have a very successful business, you buy several new truck and new equipment with cash every year, you have very little money in the checkbook and "feel" you have an unsuccessful business. You could be very wrong. And yes it is also very easy to hire a CPA and or accountant and send all the monthly records to them, count on them to sort through them and have them generate a report for you to maybe glance at and file away. Your CPA or accountant is a great place to start the learning process. The more you know, the more effective they can be to you. Your Balance sheet and your Income statement tell your companies story. You may feel your company is healthy, or improving, or getting better, or getting worse- your balances sheet or Income statement (Profit/Loss Statement) will tell you in a factual manner. You need money for your business- you go to a banker or financial institution to get money, do you think they will listen to you tell them about your business and loan you money based on that. they will use your company financials to make that business decision. A few years ago banks I had worked with strongly considered your balances sheet to make loan decision. Now-a- days both Balance Sheets and income Statement both are a strong part of that evaluation. Why is that?. Understanding the "whys" about your company is important to your business. In the preceding scenario a business may have a strong balance sheet due to significant assets like real estate owned or equipment owned by the company. But in current economic conditions the companies Income statement show that the business sales are down 25% and and shows losses for the last year- lending may not occur. The banks may not be all that excited about the fact that you own real estate through your company. The business buyer I was working with flew in town for 3 days for him and I to visit businesses. Most of the small business owners we visited had good businesses. Without divulging any confidential information, they all showed cash flow in excess of $200,000 per year. They (the respective business owners) all said they didn't really understand the financial side of the business, but "here our our records for your review". (after confidentiality agreements were signed) They could speak for hours about their customers, employees, procedures and ideas. Questions regarding financial information were usually answered with 1 or 2 brief sentences. bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti bookatti The buyer I was working with was a very educated buyer, a President of a publicly held $40 Million company, and 30+ years of experience. He had looked through maybe 30 businesses to narrow down visits to less than a handful. He and I both knew that to buy a business, he had to understand the company. We spent hours discussing the financials of the businesses. You as an entrepreneur that is starting a business or running a business may someday want to sell your business. Understanding the true financial condition of your company is the 1st step to improving the financial condition of your business. Buying a business is a very effective way to expand your customer base and Revenues. knowing how to read and understand the financial statements of others could be the difference of a business acquisition that is a success or a failure. And when an educated buyer approaches you about buying your business, you provide the business buyer your Balance Sheet, your Income Statement, and your explanation and understanding of the true financial condition of your business may be the difference in someone buying your business at a good price or passing your business over to pursue other businesses to buy

Saturday, 28 August 2021

What Does It Take to Start a Business

As a San Diego North County business attorney, I am frequently asked: "What does it take to start a business?" Generally, there are six steps to take into account when starting a business: 1. DECIDE ON A LOCATION FOR YOUR BUSINESS When deciding on a location for your business, certain factors need to be taken into consideration such as liabilities, taxes, incorporation costs and fees; where you want to do business; foreign entity doing business; raising capital; and reporting requirements. The decision to incorporate the entity in another state should only be made after weighing the advantages against the disadvantages. These factors should be discussed with your business attorney before you decide on a location for your business. 2. DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATE BUSINESS STRUCTURE There are several business structures that are used in setting up a business. Here are some of the most common entities used, their requirements and liability issues: Sole Proprietorship is a business owned and operated by an individual. Sole proprietorships are the basic forms of business organizations, which require no formal type of government filings to form the business and are not required to follow any type of operating formalities. The benefit of a sole proprietorship is the taxability of business income and the deductibility of business losses on the business owner's individual tax returns. The liability of a sole proprietorship is that the business owner is personally liable for all liabilities and obligations of the business, which liability extends, not only to liabilities in excess of the amounts invested in the business including any insurance coverage, but also to the business owner's personal assets. General Partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on a business. A general partnership is another type of business entity which is easy to form but requires a written partnership agreement to govern the operations of the partnership and the relationship among the partners. Compliance requirements for a partnership are minimal and require that a Statement of Information be filed with the State of incorporation and the partnership maintains records to provide to the partners. The liability of a general partnership is that a partner's liability not only extends to that partner's percentage interest in the business but also to the partner's personal assets as well. Limited Partnership is a partnership formed by two or more persons that has one or more general partners and one or more limited partners as co-owners of a business. A written partnership agreement should be established between the business and its partners and a written partnership agreement should also be established between the partners themselves establishing the classes of general or limited partners. Compliance requirements for a limited partnership require more formal filings with the State, such as, filing a Certificate of Limited Partnership and obtaining an agent for service of process. The liability of a limited partnership is that the general partner is personally liable for the partnership's debts, obligations and liabilities. However, the limited partnership allows limited partners to avoid subjecting their personal assets outside of their investment. A limited partner is granted limited liability as long as the partner does not participate in the control of the partnership business. Limited Liability Company is an entity having one or more members, organized under State statute. Limited liability companies have all the powers of natural people, which include the ability to transact business, sue or be sued, make contracts, own and transfer real estate, and issue stock subject to limitations. Compliance requirements for a limited liability company require more formality in formation and operation, such as, filing Articles with the State, filing a Statement of Information with the State, obtain an agent for service of process, and establish an operating agreement. The liability of a limited liability company is limited for all its members, managers and officers. As long as the State's statutory requirements are followed, the members, managers and officers of the business are not personally held liable for any debt, liability or obligations of the business arising in contact, tort or otherwise solely by being a member, manager or officer of the business. marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler Corporation (commonly known as a C or regular corporation), is by far is the most common and well known form of business entity. All corporations are governed by the State of incorporation and are treated as separate and distinct legal entities separate from its owners with all the rights to own property, make contracts and sue in its own name. Compliance requirements for a corporation require strict statutory compliance, such as, filing the Articles of Incorporation with the State, filing a Statement of Information with the State, obtaining an agent for service of process, establishing bylaws, issuance of stock, establishing a board of directors, appointment of officers, holding annual shareholder meetings, holding annual director meetings, and maintaining books and records of written minutes. The liability of a corporation is limited for all its shareholders and the shareholder's personal liability is limited to the investment. As long as the State's statutory requirements are followed, the shareholders, directors and officers of the business are not personally held liable for any debt, liability or obligations of the business arising in contact, tort or otherwise. Subchapter S Corporation (commonly known as an S corporation), is a corporation that has elected to be taxed under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code and is treated as a partnership for most tax purposes. The income of the S corporation is passed through to its shareholders therefore avoiding double taxation. Other than the different tax treatment, the S corporation operates identically to that of a C or regular corporation. Compliance requirements for an S corporation are identical to that of a C or regular corporation, however, for a corporation to qualify as an S corporation certain requirements must be met. The liability of an S corporation is identical to that of a C or regular corporation. 3. FILE YOUR TAX AND EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENTS Like any individual, an incorporated entity must have its own social security number. This number is called the Employer Identification Number (EIN). This number will allow the incorporated entity to act as a sole and separate entity and allow it to pay taxes and open bank accounts. This number may be obtained through your business attorney or going online to the IRS web site. 4. OBTAIN THE NECESSARY PERMITS, LICENSES AND REGISTRATIONS Some of these permits, licenses, and registrations may include: Patent and trademark protection Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing File as a foreign entity County filing Annual state or states filing Specific licenses to conduct certain types of businesses 5. CREATE A BUSINESS PLAN It has been said that the most important step in running a business is the creation of your business plan. A business plan is a detailed description of your business which allows you and others to evaluate your business. Business plans generally include the following: Overview of your business Description of your product or services Sales plans and forecasts for your business Marketing and advertising strategies for your business Financial information Who is your competition? 6. COMPLY WITH ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Your business will need to conduct annual reporting in the state of its incorporation and in any state in which the business has qualified to do business, as well as on the federal level, such as the IRS and/or the SEC.

A Business Owner's Divorce: The Impact

I am under the opinion, after practicing divorce law in Southern California for over 42 years, it is almost impossible to separate your business life from your personal life. I, too, run a multi-million dollar operation. I am responsible for meeting payroll and living up to my commitments to the judiciary, clients, vendors, and governmental authorities. A business owner's responsibility does not stop at 5:00 pm; rather it is a 24-hour-a-day job. This article seeks to address how a divorce impacts a business owner. You Are Served It all starts with the business owner being served with a Petition for divorce. As we all know, this usually means a sheriff with a badge arrives at your office and possibly startles the receptionist at the front desk. It seems, within seconds, the entire business knows you have been served with divorce papers. You may feel mixed emotions: embarrassment, complete anxiety, and possibly apprehension. Could you imagine the look on your face when making a presentation to key staff members in the board room and your receptionist interrupts to inform you there is a sheriff, with documents, requesting to meet you? This could actually take the wind out of your presentation. After you recover from this transgression you may nervously get on the Internet or call a trusted friend. After which, you need to make the necessary preliminary arrangements on how to respond to the divorce documents served upon you. Strategic Consultation It is absolutely critical you meet with an experienced divorce attorney. An experienced divorce attorney can provide valuable guidance at the onset of your divorce. Calming your fears is important. Make sure you select a practice limited to family law and a divorce attorney with years of experience. This is not a moment in your life to have a generalist talk about what might happen in your divorce. Keep in mind, the divorce process of Los Angeles County in 2010 is perhaps the most challenging environment you could find yourself thursted in to. There are thousands of cases and thousands of statutes that can be cited in your case. The California rules of Court and the Evidence Code also factor in divorce proceedings. Experts can be called upon by either side to provide credentialed and specific testimonies, verbal or written, to assert either spouse's best interests or to discredit the other spouse's assertions. There are different County rules. For example, (Los Angeles County rules differ from those of Orange County). There are different local district rules. Santa Monica Court has a completely different set of rules from Downtown Court. Judicial officers can look at the same set of documents and hear the same arguments and rule differently. There are judges who are elected and there are commissioners who are appointed. Attorneys are different as well. Single practitioners may not have the operational capacity to handle complex and sophisticated transactional or custodial divorce cases. They can be overloaded by bigger firms requesting document after document or filing hearings after hearings. Older attorneys perhaps are more experienced than younger attorneys. Real estate and business experienced divorce attorneys are different from custody attorneys. Some attorneys have abilities in both types of cases (financial vs custody). Employees We make our living with these great people. However, they may be affected by our personal lives. A business owner is responsible for the culture, tone, and integrity the business attempts to manifest. If an employee senses that a business owner is acting out of integrity in their divorce, they may assume they are acting in the same fashion in the working environment. The divorce process allows either party to subpoena and request documentation from the business directly. If appropriate, even the employees may be subpoenaed for a deposition to glean valuable financial and transactional information for the benefit of the spouse activating the subpoena. The divorce process can certainly be disruptive and disruption can lead to uncertainty in a business operation. The business owner going through a divorce decision-making process is sometimes strained and challenged. This additional stress can lead to business inertia. Inertia can affect business income which can then affect payroll. Sometimes, as a result of a business owner's divorce, employees are laid off, salaries are cut, or 401(k) matching plans are placed on hold if not entirely terminated. Also, at the end of the divorce process, there may be a change in ownership or in fact a sale of the business. This absolutely affects all stake holders especially employees. marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler marpler The Home Front One must be extremely careful to behave in a civil and dignified caring manner throughout divorce proceedings. This means behaving in a mature, reasonable fashion if you are still living with your spouse. Believe it or not, a lot of people that are going through a divorce continue to live together. When children are involved, even if the tone in the family residence is tarnished, you have a responsibility to act completely civil and mature, especially in front of your children. Any inappropriate behavior is not taken lightly by judicial officers. Children must not be exposed to our adult indiscretions. You should never discuss divorce proceedings with your children. Maintaining your civility at home and during your interactions with your spouse is absolutely necessary. What you do not want to do is inflame the situation whereby you threaten or assault, by any fashion, your spouse. You do not want to have an additional domestic violence case within your divorce case. Keep in mind temporary restraining orders are available to protect individuals. Either spouse can request this order when necessary to protect themselves or their children. There is no excuse for domestic abuse. If you do find yourself in a domestic violence situation, act responsibly and do whatever it takes to immediately reduce the situation; walk away and de-stress. Any arguments or disagreements should be resolved through your attorneys. Being kind and considerate to your spouse is invaluable. Child Custody Nothing is more taxing on a business owner's ability to focus on the business than the custody of the children involved. A divorce may contain sensitive custodial issues. These issues may necessitate the assistance of child custody evaluations, minor's counsel (attorney for children), or child custody monitors. Temporary custody and visitation issues are challenging as well. Who will have the kids? Who will pick up or drop off the kids? New custody arrangements present challenging logistics that may confront your time management skills. Equally important to the counsel of an experienced attorney is how the attorney can communicate to the judge your ability to maintain the custody you are entitled. Financials This is where the tire meets the road. Financials are at the core of every business. Immediately a sophisticated divorce attorney on either side should have a preliminary understanding of both the personal and business financial situation of the individual being represented. A divorce attorney experienced in complex divorce procedure can recommend the necessary professional for your divorce. One such professional is a forensic divorce accountant. The two most important reasons to engage a forensic divorce accountant is extracting business valuation and to determine what personal expenses are paid by the business, otherwise know as "perquisites". For example, if a high-earning business owner is going through a divorce, it must be immediately determined how to truthfully represent the financials to the family law court. While a forensic divorce accountant is invaluable, a business owner must maintain complete control of the process. Again, selecting talented and experienced professionals to assist you in your divorce is critical. In the beginning of the divorce process, the financial disclosures are presented in the Income and Expense Declaration and Schedule of Assets and Debts forms. A business owner's personal and professional life will greatly benefit from prompt preparation, reviews, and understanding of these forms. This is a significant step in the beginning of a business owner's divorce. These financial forms are referred to as "preliminary disclosures". Sometimes complex divorces take time to resolve, even taking a few years. If this is the case, at the end of the divorce, these same financial disclosures are referred to as "final disclosures". Any material financial changes must be reflected accurately. Insisting that my clients are truthful, organized, and pro-active is sensible for business. Keep in mind, when going through a divorce, the family law court is a court of equity. According to California community law, unless otherwise agreed to, most earnings and assets and debts must be equally divided between spouses. This is the cornerstone of the family law court. Also keep in mind, all assets are presumed community. If a family residence or business was acquired or started prior to the parties' date of marriage there may be significant separate versus communal issues and valuations that must be clarified. Another aspect that requires substantial analysis is support. Support may be for child support or spousal support (alimony). You do not want to be wrong in the process or representations. Attorney's Fees Keep in mind, that temporary support calculations and analysis is different from permanent support. In other words, typically final support amounts are somewhat lower than temporary support. Last but not least, financial disclosures and their representations or documentary substantiation are indispensable when it comes to attorney's fees. Although, there are many reasons for ascertaining attorney fees, two reasons take the highest priority for a business owner: the need and ability, and compliance and cooperation. One spouse may have the need yet the other may have the ability to pay for attorney's fee. Regarding compliance and cooperation, the divorce court frowns upon a spouse who is not complying or cooperating during the divorce process. A typical disciplinary measure employed by judicial officers is the charging of attorney fees to either spouse who engages in non-compliance or who is not cooperating. Business Operations Throughout a pending divorce process, the opposing party or their attorneys can launch a barrage of subpoenas demanding all sorts of financial information from the business. The employees, vendors, associates, and even customers, can be subject to such demands for production of financial information. Additionally, all these entities, including the business owner, are subject to a deposition. If subpoenaed, they may be required to appear at an attorney's office, bring documents, and be put under examination, under penalty of perjury, with a court reporter taking a legal transcription of the proceeding. It is actually an extension of the family law court procedure. If appropriate and permitted, the business owner's employees, vendors, customers and associates can actually be connected to the divorce case and be subject to the divorce judge's authority and orders. Business owners, employees, vendors, and customers can find the divorce process disruptive if not managed properly. Business accounts, if permitted, can be frozen pending further order of the court, producing poor business. While a spouse has the right to request extensive documents and information, handling these demands expends valuable business resources and may become extremely expensive. As a business owner, you may find yourself allocating a significant amount of time to your divorce, to the detriment of your business. You may be called away for court hearings, depositions, accounting meetings or attorney meetings. Additionally, a court may thrust itself into a business if deemed appropriate. This includes perhaps placing a receiver (court appointed accountant) in the middle of operations. Typically, receivers can approve or disapprove key financial transaction. Naturally, having another individual in the driver's seat of the business can and will wreak havoc on operations. Finally, since the divorce process is public record, all information divulged, as in some recent high profile court cases, can lead to a public relations disaster. For this and the reasons reflected above, one must seek experienced and knowledgeable counsel during this challenging time in a business owner's life.

Thursday, 26 August 2021


Home-based business is the popular choice for entrepreneurs who want to do business with small investments. According to National Statistics' Labour Force Survey, there are 2.43 million people (Q4 2011) in UK who run a business from home. These self-employed home-workers are the fastest growing part of UK workforce, whose number rose by 28.16% over the last decade. mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass mktvpass